If you’ve never had Premium before, you may be eligible for a free (or reduced rate) trial.
For trials, you’ll still need to enter a valid payment method to sign up. We’ll use this to confirm your country or region and take payments if you want to keep Premium after the offer ends.
We’ll send you a reminder 7 days before your trial ends. Country restrictions and Terms apply.
You can easily cancel your Premium plan online at any time on your account page.
Premium paid subscriptions when cancelled will run until your next billing date, after which your account will switch over to our free service.
If you cancel during a zero-priced free trial period, you will lose access to your Premium benefits immediately and your account will switch over to our free service. Zero-priced free trials cannot be reactivated.
You’ll still keep all your playlists and saved music, and be able to listen with ads on our free service.
First, download the app. Spotify is available on desktop, mobile, tablet, TVs, cars, watches and more. You can also listen on the web.
Next, create your account. Hit sign up on the login screen to get started. If you’re ready to try Premium Individual, you’ll add your payment details here.
Once your account is set up, you’re ready to start listening. The more you use Spotify, the more we get to know you and can recommend something you’ll love.