Spotify Kids - Kids resource

Spotify Kids is a service specifically created for you as a child that allows you to enjoy your favorite song or listen to a good story before going to bed.

You will need a grown up to set it up and get you started (let's call them Your Grown Up). We give Your Grown Up details about Spotify Kids and the information that we collect and how we use it. This is contained in a document called a Privacy Policy.

We didn't want you to be left out so we have created this to explain it to you too. After all, a little bit of that information is about you!

What information do we collect and why?

Spotify Kids has been designed not to collect very much information about you. We don't use information about you for advertising and we don't sell it to other people. We do make suggestions for music or podcasts you might like within Spotify Kids but we use information such as the time of day to do that. For example, we may suggest different content in the evening before bedtime or, for example if Your Grown Up says you are older than your brother or sister, the app will suggest older content for you than for them.

What we collect
Why we collect it
We ask Your Grown Up to provide some information about you when they set up the account.

They provide your name and (if they want to) your birthdate. They also select a colour and an avatar for your account. We also know the country where you live. Your Grown Up can choose to share playlists with you and to block you from seeing certain content.

Your Grown Up will also choose a code.
To set up the account.
The code is for Your Grown Up so that they can access the account, see what you have listened to and make any changes. You will see a ‘Grown Ups’ cog at the top of the app which is where they can do this. We only give this to Your Grown Up but of course you can always chat with them about anything you are unsure about.

We also collect information about how you use Spotify Kids. We know what tracks and podcasts you have been listening to and technical information which identifies the device you are using.

We let Your Grown Up know which tracks and podcasts you have listened to. They can see this when clicking on the ‘Grown Ups’ cog.

The technical information helps us manage the service and to identify and fix problems. For example if Your Grown Up is happy for you to listen to Spotify on your speaker, this information helps us to connect the speaker to Spotify.

Who sees your information and where is it?

People working at Spotify on Spotify Kids and Your Grown Up can see your information. If you change the device you are using, if Your Grown Up agrees to this, we share some technical details with the company that makes the device to make sure that happens.

We share your information within Spotify to do all the things set out in the table above. Spotify works all over the world. Sometimes we need to work with other companies to help us do things and they could be in different countries. When we do this we have a written agreement with them to make sure your information is protected.

How long do we keep your information?

We keep your information to provide Spotify Kids. If your account is closed, we may still keep some information if we need to. For example in case there is, or might be a complaint or issue and we need to check what happened and investigate things further.

What are your rights?

You can:

You can do this either by asking the Grown Up who set up the account. You can also contact us directly at any one of these ways:

but we may need to speak to your Grown Up to agree to any changes.

We hope you enjoy Spotify Kids!

© Spotify USA Inc.